I got some flower pendants made of shell, metal letter and number stamps (the ones that you hammer into metal), a jeweler's anvil, a pack of 4 mini pully wheels, a TON of buttons, some cotton and silk thread, a pad of paper for oil/acrylic paint, a long canvas (8"x24"), a BIG canvas (36"x48"), a spool of very thin pink ribbon (for an item I'll be getting sometime), a pack of micron pens, some glass bottles with metal caps, a piece of rose quartz, and four different fabrics.
One fabric is purple swirls with metallic gold stars (cotton), a deep blue fabric with glittery gold flowers (cotton), a purple fabric with yellow celestial patterns (flannel), and a black-and-white moon and star fabric (flannel). I plan on using the last one to line a cloak since I got around 5 yards of it which should be plenty (I also have several yards of uncut black cotton). Also, for all four of those fabrics, I got the last of what was on the bolts. The first two I think I only got 2 yards of, but the purple celestial one I think I got 4 yards of. There was also a plain purple and a plain blue-green fabric I decided to put back since I changed my mind on how much I liked the purple, and I think I had some of the blue-green one at home already.
Also, I got some of those gourmet lollypops. Thems things are good.
Also also, my dad found it funny that even the water he got from the cooler at the check-out line was on sale. Guess EVERYTHING really does have to go.
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