I have history exam tomorrow and i had 4 days to study but those days, i was either sleeping or doom scrolling social media so today i woke up at 7 am like usual and then did my morning routine but took a cold shower(it was 19 degree) and started studying because one of my friend who is below average student told me that he had basically completed 95 percent of the syllabus and I cant lose to him so i studied from 10 am till 3 pm continuously and as I had 26 chapters to finish, the first study session was pretty easy as i completed the easy topics about world wars and united nations and then took a 2 hr break and again started studying from 5 pm till 8.30 pm and I still have a lot to finish. I actually wanted to take a small break but ended up having a good conversation on discord so yeah. I still have 6 chapters to complete right now and I hope I do it before 2 am. I regret not doing anything before ahhh but it was my fault and now i cannot go back to it. I just hope my exam ends up well tomorrow. Have a good day :)))
8.45 pm
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