i d0n't und3rst4nd...
earlier today my friend on discord just blew up on me! >:( ALL BECAUSE I WAS VENTING!!!
All i said was that i am afraid of how easily i'd isolate myself if i were to like move out and live alone and stuff... He started saying that i make his life miserable! He literally unfriended me on everything... WELL i hope he's happier now that we aren't friends anymore... what the fuck... i'm gonna cry all night about this. I feel awfull, why the fuck should i give a crap when others just discard me BAM like that.
Fucking unfair....
MOOD SONG: Why 3v3n b0th3r?
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You’re asking why you should care when you’re the only reason you do. If you don’t wanna give a shit, just stop giving a shit.
And find your own place, it’s nice
🎧 Kodeine 🎧
You made friends on discord, that's what you did wrong.
Yea ig, good thing this website iz so cool then lol
by D̷M̴⛧N̴; ; Report