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Category: Life

more of my uni shit

Okay so I can't get enough of talking shit about university because it really is a big deal for me so here we go.

Talking about classes, I only have 5 by now and one of them doesn't even have a professor (which I secretly like because I get to stay at home on fridays), and all of them require some kind of reading. Right now I need to read like 5 or 6 texts and 2 whole books while also journaling one of the books, and that's for this and next week.

I wish I had listened to my mom when she said I should do Arts, she really knows me well and probably knew I wouldn't like what I chose. I mean, I know that any major you chose to do in your life will require some reading, being essencial for learning and blablabla but this reading bullshit will drag me for 4 whole years, reading is the BASE of my major. I will have assignments based on books and researches UNTIL I GRADUATE. The time I would be spending reading actual interesting books or hanging out with friends will be spent trying to understand what the fuck Saussure is writing about and why is it so hard to understand. I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS FOR 4 YEARS.

If I'm lucky enough to be able to change my major by the end of the year, I will be telling those college bitches to fuck off in the second I step out of that classroom for the last time.

More updates soon to come, because I can't shut up about this.

Song of the day: Black Dog by Led Zeppelin

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