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Category: Games

Why haven't I dedicated a post to Kart Yet? (Games Playing Right Now #8)

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart Logo

Keeping this one simple besides the bulletin mirror. SRB2Kart and Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers are my favorite multiplayer games. (Well, maybe not Ring Racers yet as I haven't had a stable multiplayer experience yet. That might change when the Hardware 2 graphics mode is finished.) The races challenge me in various tough situations while also being comedic when something goes wrong for myself or anyone else. Just give either game a shot if you haven't already. Be aware that both games can be really tough, especially Ring Racers and modded Kart which I have my own personal experiences with that might differ from your Kart experience.

If you do give Kart a shot, I recommend also installing the Saturn client for other features and maybe stability. You should also try loading bonuschars.kart if you are playing vanilla as you can play with more than five characters right away without downloading any addons.

In terms of Kart addons, I recommend installing what you like from the message board to your online games if you run a server. Though if you want more total conversion than what simple gameplay mods can offer, there is also the Neptune client which can't be used for playing on the Master Server browser, but has some extra features and 32 player support. Put it in a separate install from Base/Saturn.

Ring Racers is much easier to start unlike Kart, but vanilla is much more mechanically dense rather than a good base line. There is single player modes and bots unlike Kart which only has Time Trial and Free Play so if you want to just do your own thing, Ring Racers got you.

You won't need any addons for a full experience with Ring Racers, Plus, there isn't any setup with clients unless you need extra stuff from the Noire client.

Between both of them, you can't say which is better because each has their benefits and limits. 
  • Kart is bare bones which makes it great for designing your own experiences. However, actually expanding the game will have you facing engine problems that are mostly fixed in Ring Racers. Plus, there are some actual constraints like the limited color pallet. 
  • Ring Racers on the other hand is a complete game on it's own, but harder to expand upon without subtracting or changing existing designs and features. Despite that, it has greater capability and freedom engine wise that can support more ambitious expansion. There are still constraints, but they aren't as tight as Kart.

Lastly, I have faced various technical problems with the game. If you don't know why something is broken or don't understand some concepts for SRB2/Doom modding, then feel free to ask me, the SRB2 forum, or Kart Krew discord server for troubleshooting. Hope yall have fun.

Mirrored Bulletins:

I'm back on my favorite SRB2K server!!!

Ray; the person who made the pack and ran the server DMed me on the message board about their server and I joined their community in quite the kitchen sink of a pack. Ray and the community have been developing it for a long while and had some great games along with shit talking each other. Eventually, Ray had life stuff and wasn't running the server so it's been a long time since I played any games. Now that he's been back and is running in a different community with some of the original members, I can play it again! Wasn't in a VC because of a complicated story, but I was already so happy to be playing again.

Here are some past recorded highlights Ray has recorded. Footage for their highlights seems to date various times even before me, but if I'm ever in them, then I'm usually Jevil.

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