today was tiring. i accidently got to school at like 7:50 am and it was so early and i hated it. got to hand with my boyfriend though. I HAVE A BOYFRIEND. still crazy.
he's so sweet. we're going to the mall on valentine's day. i'm excited. also i found out he made a playlist about me and it's like 90% fall out boy. he makes me want to actually go to school. it's weird. it's nice.
i baked cookies for valentines day. i baked them 3 days early cuz i'm bringing them to school and we're off thursday and friday. my christmas cookies went over well so hopefully these ones are okay. my family told me they were good. i didn't eat any cuz i ate too much cookie dough and would have thrown up if i had one. i put sprinkles on them. they took like 4 hours to make it was ridiculous. i am exhausted.
i didn't skip art today!!!!1 good job me!!! all my friends have a spare fourth period and i don't so it's really hard to go to class. i'm glad i did tho cuz we started a new project and i would have been so behind if i didn't go.
ALSO JONAS BOUGHT ME A PEPSI 2DAY. his name is jonas btw. i didn't even ask he just showed up with the pepsi. he's so cute. lol.
this is the first time in a while i've been on good terms with every singe one of my friends. ava abd ceili aren't being weirdly distant. avery is always good she's my bff. cel and i are talking again (we'll just go like months without talking lol not in like a bad way but yk). life is okay. huzzah.
i need to stop typing before i pass out.
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