i took a buzzfeed quiz that this morning that guessed my emo celebrity crush. i got patrick stump. it was correct. there was a question in it that went along the lines of “describe yourself in one word” and one of the answers was blatherskite.
blatherskite - noun
a person who talks at great length without making much sense.
if that doesn’t describe me then i don’t know what does.
there’s a trend going around on tiktok of 4 pictures of some girl’s eyes making different expressions and then people recreating it. this just makes me really happy. i love eyes (in a not creepy way). everyone’s eyes are so unique and beautiful and i find mine quiet boring but i can always get lost in someone’s eyes. i also struggled with eye contact for many years but now i can’t help but make eye contact with everyone i see.
i went to my dad’s house today for the first time since christmas. im supposed to go every other weekend but last time my siblings went i had a panic attack. i just don’t like being here. i love my dad endlessly and he loves me too but i don’t like going to someone else’s house. it’s not my house. it’s my dad and his girlfriend’s house. this is not my home. i am out of place and in the way.
i also have a social studies project due on monday that i have less than half done. and i forgot the other half at my mom’s house so i can’t do it until like 6:00 pm on sunday. im scared.
the instagram is thriving. if you don’t know; i have an instagram account called daily_patrickstump. as the name implies, i post a picture of my wife and father (don’t think about it too hard) patrick stump. i have i think about 120 followers and its only been 5 days of having it. i’m having the time of my life. i love bandagram, it’s so fun.
just got a text from my sister. her and my dad and bringing me home candy. hell yeah.
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