Great pump. I am really excited about the progress. I increased the weight for a couple exercises.
I had some pain in the palm of my hand. Not sure what that was about. Stretching didn't seem to help but it may be worth remembering to stretch my hands before workouts just incase.
The nutrition side is going well. I made some stew. I finally have an appetite which is a big improvement. Unfortunately, eating more is expensive. But I've had more energy recently so it's worth it.
---Heavy Arms:
Dumbbell Bench Press 5x8 (went good. I need to increase the reps per set/get more weight)
Bent Over Row 2x6 30
Drop 2x6 20
Super Set 3x10
(Curls to shoulder press
Hammer Curl to tricep kickback
Bench Dips)
(went heavy on the first set, normal on the rest)
Lateral Raises 2x10 (went heavy on the first set and half reps, normal on the rest)
Reverse Flies 2x10 (went heavy on the first set and half reps, normal on the rest)
Curls 2x15-20
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