Long ago when the land was new. When no life existed and nature owned everything. At this time all was watched over by the goddesses of the sun, the moon and the almighty goddess of life. Arina the goddess of fire, rage, heat, punishment and the sun. Selene the goddess of water, sadness, cold, mercy and the moon. Finally the goddess of life, the strong and mighty Lumira, the goddess of light, happiness, balance and judgement. These three goddesses watch over earth their greatest creation. Made by the eye of Selene, the blood of Arina and the skin of Lumira. Each goddess gave up a part of themselves to create a world of peace and kindness. We know this right. That is what we believe, we never questioned it so stop questioning it. My mother looks at me with a stone cold look on her face “but mum I” she cuts me off “no but Cyrus”. I roll my eyes and storm out of the room. I stomp my way up the stairs, anger in my every step “why is she always like this' ' I mumble to myself as I walk into my bedroom. I flop onto my bed, throwing my blanket onto the floor. My blanket is covered in suns, almost everything in my room has a sun on it. This was my mums doing ever since I started to question, well everything she has tried to hypnotise me. She wants me to fall back into the abyss of blind and meaningless belief. My name is Cyrus. I'm 16 years old and alone. Alone in a world of monsters who believe in the so-called story of “life” and “creation”.

HEYYYY I'm writing a story at the moment, here's a sneak peek let me know what you guys think.
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