in trying to prep my perfect grammys party so that everyone has fun, i tried to come up with the perfect bingo game. i spent hours crafting this and testing it. it should be fun, i hope it is. the squares are filled with potential winners, picked from the list of most nominated. this includes artists, people on the technical side (writers, producers, engineers, etc), and specific works like albums or songs. so its possible that sometimes a single win will account for 1 square on your board and other times it may account for 3 squares scattered around your board. i tested it by randomizing the list of all potential winners 5 times, as well as basing it off of the most common guesses i could find online - most of these netted me at least one bingo across 8 randomized boards.
anywayyyyyyyyy i hope its fun. tonight i have a meeting with my editor and agent. i always get so nervous for these meetings, but less so every time so hopefully i will continue to get less nervous. i just know i could be working more and working harder and feel like i don't have enough to show for it yet. but i think the meeting will be good and helpful because i have some questions about some things.
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