Win by connecting goals to values.

Resilient goals are fed by values, not outcomes.

Since the beginning of the new year I've been doing my best to take time in the morning to journal and meditate. That doesn't always pan out but I have journaled/meditated more this month than I did in entire years prior. I believe the difference between this year and other years is that I've connected my morning mindfulness practice to a core value that I try to practice every day.

I used to try to journal and meditate for material reasons. For example, one time I took up journaling as a tool to get better at writing. I figured that by writing every day, I could become better at writing. Maybe I could become an author! Maybe writing would rewire my brain and I would have clearer thinking. As you might imagine, when I practiced journaling to achieve an expected result, I became listless and bored when I wasn't seeing improvement. It became clear to me that my dreams and goals weren't enough to push through.

This year, I reflected on my values. A key one for me is compassion. In the case of adding a morning mindfulness practice, I was able to easily connect that goal to my value. By journaling and meditating in the morning I was able to practice compassion on myself. By practicing self-compassion, I'm living within my values and doing more to connect with myself and others.

How can you enable value-driven goals within your life?

Hopefully my example is enough to get the gears turning in your head. What are some deeply held values that you hold?

They could be single words like: compassion, service, health, or stability. 

Or, they could be more complicated values that require a few words to describe: support my partner, build my community, grow into a better person.

Imagine that you were to live within those values. What kind of actions would you take? How do your current goals align with those values?

Hope to see you all in my next post. If you found this useful or interested feel free to add me as a friend or follow my blog.

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