To the girl who doesn’t think she’s good enough!

TO THE GIRL WHO THINKS SHE IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH,  here’s what I learned recently! 

You are good enough to experience real dates,

 Flowers, chocolates, a bottle of wine, and a late-night drive to Star Gaze.

You are good enough to be called baby, honey, sweetheart, darling, mahal, my boo, and other endearing terms.

You are good enough to have a long-lasting relationship.

You are good enough to be treated with respect

And make you feel loved and important.

You are good enough to be comforted 

when you are not okay.

You are good enough to be taken care of 

not just when you're sick but most days of your life. 

You are good enough to be treated with equal rights and equal respect like that to a man.

If you are in a relationship but you feel like you are not good enough because that's what your partner is telling you to believe.

Girl, you need to break free from that.

Because no matter how flawed and imperfect you are,

You would be enough to be someone who knows how to value your worth.

And you would always be more than enough 

to someone who would offer genuine love 

and would accept you for who you are.

You are good enough.

Believe that. 💜

1 Kudos


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