I have an existential crisis rn and I dunno what I'm doing with my life. Idk why people assumes that I should have solved my life bc I'm 18 now (turning 19 this year). Yeah Ik, now I can work and all that but goddamn, I can't even aford everything I need yet since my current job doesn't pays me a good amount yk.
And I didn't even wanted it, I wanted to live from my art, I still have that silly dream of mine to have a book and an animated series. I have the idea, I have the characters, I somewhat have the plot but I can't write it correctly coz damn, I dunno how to write a book properly. And I want to draw it too, wich is worse bc I stopped drawing and improving my skills on it bc of my job.
I'm definitely not making my parents proud, even if they forced me to have that job I didn't wanted in first place, and Ik I probably sound ungrateful on them but cmon, I'm not happy, I'm stressed and depressed all the time. Nothing is going as I expected.
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Mr. Lynch M.
Well, having 2 or 3 years more than u makes me realize some things and giving u some advices. Work is a sh!t, but at least u dont depend completely of ur parents. That shows an improvement. Ur parents (i have to say, sorry) made the right thing but their methods are... Unorthodox. U should think in quit and get a better job, and have some experience working. Why? Bc the experience in young pp is highly recognized. Another thing is that you're currently in your 20s crisis. Dont worry, it'll pass. U need to remain strong, eat and sleep well. (sorry if my English its weird, im not fluent at all)
It's okay, neither is mine lol, but thanks dude, I'll keep that in mind ;)
by Soh4mix0; ; Report