1. She always compares herself to you- "But you are this than me, you are that, I have this and you don't" nuh uh
2. Doesn't congratulate your success and isn't happy for u- Imagine you got a promotion and your friend is indifferent or shows negativity towards it, run.
3. She is in competition with you- Imagine you went on a trip and you are back, your friend was also on a trip, you tell your friends how it was, you show photos, and then there is mrs. insecure who says "Mine was better, on more exotic and expensive place" that is not a fucking competition.
4. Mrs. insecure points out things that aren't perfect on purpose, with the idea of embarrassing you and feeling better about herself.
5. She sees you have people around you- cool, kind, funny, successful, okay? She wants the same people around her, she doesn't like your nice company and starts talking shit about them, to gaslight you they suck .
6. They don't take accountability when they are wrong and try to gaslight you into thinking you did wrong
7. When you have a cool idea, joke and when you are original she will be like "I thought of that first" girl shut up
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angry bosnian dude
Nothing matches with my friends,thank God π