how old is too old to regularly go out to drink?

this is completely subjective, but i am curious about public perception to this. i stopped partying after turning 21 simply because i was sick and tired of being hungover, drunk, etc. and now, at nearly 23, i can't imagine going back to partying. my partner and i went out for new years and neither of us drink or do any illicit substances. we got to talking about how old is too old to be clubbing/partying every night.ย 

as a kid, i thought that 20-29 was the PARTY era, and this was heightened by the fact that as a tween and teen the indie sleaze era was at its peak. however, as a college student who is around a lot of people who go to bars and frat parties, i see that most people say that anyone over 24 is "too old" do to all that.ย 

i consider myself too old because i know i won't enjoy it and that i want to be in bed by midnight. i'd also prefer to have a conversation with someone, which isn't conducive to a loud nightclub lol.ย 

the last thing that i think makes this perception larger for me is the fact that i live in a college town. tonssss of people party, but burn out quickly. most actual BAR goers are either newly 21 or they're in their mid-30s and up. this hugeeee age gap feels off to me...

what do y'all think? can you still party and experience nightlife without drinking etc., and does that change who is "too old" to party?

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purepurl's profile picture

i'm 24 and when i go to clubs and bars i regularly see people older than me partying haha

when i go to goth nights, pretty much everyone there is older than me too but i guess that's because goth is just an ageing subculture at this point.

thinking you're "too old" to do things is just holding you back, do things if you want to do them!

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Laura's profile picture

Hey, I think I cant really talk out of experience because Im only 16 (youre allowed to go partying at 16 in germany tho) but in my opinion there is never a "real" limit with partying. Also you can surely have fun without alcohol or other substances you only need the right people to go with!! I also know people who are 40+ ang still go to parties n clubs. So I guess if you just wanna have fun then you can go at any time regardless ur age. I hope I could help a little ^^

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Is 24 too old?! Damn, things have changed... I don't think 24 years old is too old, you're still discovering adulthood and you should enjoy it. Furthermore, drinking alcohol is not synonymous with fun, you're only harming yourself in my opinion, Quitting drinks and addictions early is beneficial, you enjoy it much more and make good memories with your friends and family, I started drinking at 13 and stopped at 17 and it was the best thing.

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