Well..... Hii SpaceHey people!!.... So, at the time I'm writing this, it's 6:36 p.m, which means that, oficially, it's my birthday...... like I already have been born. That makes no sense at all, sorry!!
I was thinking a lot about it and I wonder what I feel. Isn't everything the same after a new year comes in? It technically still is but people made the whole concept of giving a different new to each year, I think it's interesting, but it's also weird how you're supposed to feel about it. I remember when I was younger I used to get pumped up and really excited about the new year and the changes it would give, or how new it would feel, and the sensation was really exciting. I mean, it's not like I don't feel that way anymore, but in most countries the last and the first days of the years, December 31th and January 1st feel like different, uncommon, special days.
Or at least, that's what I feel. I am totally biased on my emotions based by the fact that I was born on January 1st so I felt like it was way too different to me. I feel like this might be really stupid too, like why am I giving so much thought over to a silly date? It doesn't make sense. But I don't know if it's the sensation of growing up or if I have became way more familiar with it but it's like new years eve feels like...a lot more common. Or normal? I mean, of course. It happens once every year. But I feel like some of that nervousness and the thrill, and the expectation of what would happen on the new year has sort of calmed down for me, like I feel way more normal about it??
I used to feel really excited and hopeful towards the eve, and I still do, I just think that I am taking it in a more relaxed way than the other years so the new emotion of considering the new year as something 'common' and 'normal' has been feeling weird to me. I guess that January 1st is a special date to me. This is vastly different for a bunch of other people, but looking at it more I think it's also great that after all, it's just another day! The first day, specifically.
Sooooo yeah I don't know what was the point of this, but I guess that I am becoming more familiar with what I feel for being born at a unconventional date(?? maybe that sounds egocentric, sorry. But yeah!! Let's all have a cherished, happy new year. And I'll say it again, Happy birthday to me!!
Yay! ~ ♡
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francis, fran
every year i get less excited about christmas and new year's ... this year i basically stayed in my room and enjoyed the time i had alone. i still enjoy this time of year, but it's nothing i'm crazy about anymore.
same... though I feel that it isn't a bad thing in itself, I feel like I've adapted to the feeling and that makes me feel more calm and enjoy things more thoroughly.
by Haru_min˚ʚ♡ɞ˚; ; Report
O OMG OK SO IM NOT LATE HAPPY BDAY!!!!!! having ur bday on new years must feel extra special!!! thats super cool
I guess it does!! Maybe it sounds a bit unconventional but I've come to understand how I feel and I really love it! ~♡ Thank you!!..
by Haru_min˚ʚ♡ɞ˚; ; Report