Today's fish of the day is the snowflake moray! Another addition to the long list of eel entries...
Snowflake moray facts:
- Snowflake morays, similarly to zebra morays, are a good choice for an aquarium eel. They adapt quickly and are generally non aggressive towards other tank inhabitants. (Though, it should be mentioned that crabs and other shellfish are it's natural diet, so putting them in a tank with a snowflake moray may lead to them being eaten!) And, because of their small size, they don't need a huge tank. The only downside is that they're apparently quite clever and are known to escape!
- Many speculate that these eels are able to change genders, specifically from male to female. This is a popular theory for many other species of morays, though most aren't confirmed.
- Snowflake and zebra morays are often grouped together due to their many shared traits, such as their blunt teeth and diets. However, snowflake morays have been observed to be a lot more active than their shy, reclused relatives.
- Sometimes, in captivity, these eels can go through a hibernation period! I'm not sure if this happens in the wild, though. Some people share stories about them disappearing for multiple months, and showing up again longer and seemingly healthy as ever. Odd!
It was tough writing this entry, because it's so so similar to the zebra moray, which I have already written about here. I didn't want to repeat facts! But anyway.. do you got that snowflake moray in you? I love all morays, so this one is literally me!!!!!
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