Today dad’s coming to pick me up. Yesterday wasn’t too bad, but the day before that felt like a waste.
Yesterday I watched a lot of wife swap, and tried to find a completed collection list of all the chapstick flavors. My collection only had twenty or so, and it seems everytime I look it up, I find more I have yet to see before. My personal rule, is that I cannot buy them online— only find them in person. That makes it so much more fun. I straight up shrieked out of excitement when I found green apple in a store last weekend.
Collecting chapsticks, and watching wifeswap are simple things. Playing hayday is a simple thing. They’re simple things, that make me happy, and that im passionate about. It feels like in the few months that school has started, a whole year has passed. I now have these small things that I can recognize as characteristics of myself. I have learned things about myself, and now know what to expect (for the most part) out of my mental instability. Im no longer clinging to men i just met, or men i see on the tv screen for approval, mental support. I no longer hope for something that isn’t going to be there.
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