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Category: Writing and Poetry


Why is it so hard to make friends? 

I wish to escape this mundane cycle. Perpetually spiraling into nothing but my own thoughts.

I miss what it felt like to be seen, truly and completely seen.

Every promise made, secret kept, 

none of them will ever matter,

 because in the end, 

no one will ever remember me.

I am only temporary in a world full of permanence. 

5 Kudos


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casserole!!'s profile picture

Its hard to make friends yeah, but once you have them, especially those lifelong friends, you'll forget what life was without them. To make the alone times a little more bearable though, always remember that they're temporary.

The times we had with others, all the laughs and secrets, they mattered cause they happened. Even when we lose touch, or fall out with those people we shared those memories with. The world is built by temporary; when you look closely at the long reigning giants you see all the little moments carved into their foundation.

Everything matters forever homie, remember to come up from air time to time when the spiral starts drowning you.

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Thank you, this really means a lot to me. I guess it's just hard to see past the shitstorm sometimes

by Newt; ; Report

No probs web stranger!! The shitstorm is real and it is rough fr

by casserole!!; ; Report