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Category: Life


just tired today isnt wasnt actually that bad tho

i had a cold so i didnt even wake up on time for school

i finished writing the main riffs for a song on my acoustic!!!! i need to work on the lyrics and organization on some of it tho. if anyone has good song editing software pls reccomend i have no clue how to do that stuff, only play the instruments. 

im also learning insominac by memo boy rn on the guitar 

man i wish i could practice rn but i should prolly go to bed cause school is tmr :l stresses me out for no reason, i hate that feeling of looming dread for nothing. i also work 20 hours next week which is alot. 

i just wanna make music all day :<
i might try to read a bit of dance dance dance before bed


song of the day : Dsco by Sweet Trip

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