thinking about Nag Hammadi and the discovery of the Gnostic codex texts

i was reading through Nag Hammadi once more today and had been hit with a grossly extistential feeling.

something deeply, deeply unsettles me about the idea that there are likely hundreds of written texts we will never know about because they had been destroyed. and even many of those that had been preserved at Nag Hammadi had broken down over the ages, and cease to exist now.

it makes me feel very, very anxious about all we are missing and all we are misunderstanding. i extend out hope that we will discover something in my lifetime, but i fear that chance is nowhere near achievable. 

i feel unbelievably small because of it. thinking about all of history that has been lost evokes an indescribable feeling within. i also just can't fathom despising religious introspection to the extent you are hellbent on destroying anything that goes against your sect because it is that much of a threat to you. 

are there any Gnostics on spacehey, or am i screaming into a void here?

4 Kudos


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