times like these have me feeling like love really isn't out there.

i believe love is the exalted form of human relationships. i believe love is out there for everyone. i believe no one is ever truly alone.

yet at times like these, i feel deeply, unfathomably unloveable. i have never in my life recieved love that was true and anything but predatory in nature.

it makes me question everything. is it me, or is love just not real, rather a social ideal we as people just go along with because it's all we've ever known?ย 

maybe my own experiences warp my sense of love, and i'm just viewing it from the wrong perspective, one that's backwards, and that means i'm lost.ย 

what are your experiences? do you ever have times where you feel unlovable and like love isn't real? i wonder if many spacehey users get bitches

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francis, fran

francis, fran's profile picture

i kind of agree with that fourth paragraph. everyone has their own warped idea of what love is because ultimately now it's an abstract thing

you are so incredibly articulate by the way i don't know if that's like ever been told to you but i am saying it now

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francis, fran

francis, fran's profile picture

i use spacehey and i have no b*tches... if that means anything to you. statistically it's meaningless but i know you weren't really asking for that.

i think love is so abstract and complex and varying that it doesn't really exist the way we think about it. there are some aspects of it that are kind of cold realities... interdependencies, sexual attraction, biases, etc. things that dictate how we see a romantic partner and make us want them. we kind of ignore these things and then when we see them shit gets hopeless.

and then there are things that people confuse for love, like comfort and affection and "belonging" to one another. the validation. more like just the feeling of being in love. i think people like myself seek those things to fill a void or solve an issue that they need to confront themselves.

maybe love is the net sum of the things i've mentioned. like, all added together in some gestalt way. it's a little idealistic, but i think love exists in short moments and in rare places. i think i maybe kind of had it for a while but then the dependencies became too much and it fell apart. and i was just a kid, so who fucking knows what was going on there? maybe love is like that... elusive and fleeting, only there for 30% of a good relationship.

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very beautifully said. i certainly agree with your points, and emphasize that love in it's truest form is rare and exists in short moments. i hope life treats you well, thank you for your input เฌ˜(เฉญ*หŠแต•ห‹)เฉญ* เฉˆโ™กโ€งโ‚Šหš

by ๐”ข๐”ฉ๐”ข๐”ฉ๐”ข๐”ฑ๐”ฅ สšโ‚แข. .แขโ‚Žษž; ; Report