francis soundworks's profile picture

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Category: Life

5) effective spacehey scraping

so i've saved SpaceHey's Random Profile Button on my bookmarks bar and have been fiendishly sifting through profile after profile. but it seems like most of the profiles i'm getting are new people or people who made a cool profile and then didn't post anything. also a lot of 14 y/o emo / goth aesthetics. so... not very productive.

then i looked on blogs and sorted by recent...

holy SHIT this is where it's at. the random profile button because that is just a waste of time compared to the 23 tabs i just opened with different blogs to read. i am going to be cranking this shit.

and yes, i am addicted to spacehey. i'm addicted to knowing the lives of others, especially on the internet, and spacehey is finally a chance for me to read words instead of watch videos. something in me craves emotions, catharsis, suffering, situations and conditions. not just tragedy but anything genuine... people just happen to be most genuine when venting.

and some (admittedly dumb) parasociality has me hooked too. like, maybe my long, thought-out comment will have some impact? maybe my past experiences can relate? maybe sharing my thoughts can do something? or maybe it's just gratifying...

it's 10 p.m. i need sleep. i need time. i have so much to stress about. yet i just discovered a bunch of blogs and they're being posted faster than i can possible read them. i want to interact.

so i shall.

all this to say, please write blogs when you're feeling down. writing helps, diaries help, and if you diary on spacehey a weird 17 y/o might look at it and want to be friends.

just an idea.


it is now 11 p.m.
i've realized i am incredibly sleep deprived.

i think i spend too much time on this thing
it's hard to reach a balance
i think i should limit myself to 1 hour a day... 40 minutes blog scraping and 20 minutes replying to people or writing here

maybe i'll find a firefox plugin that tracks time spent on sites...

i am so tired

brain is for sure melting if not all melted by now

too much screen is bad


why do i love these things

i ought to be gone


- francis
p.s. this is definitely not my most eloquent post

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IAmNotWhatIAM(2009) 's profile picture

that's really great

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thanks dawg

by francis soundworks; ; Report


Dorian 's profile picture

I was struggling so hard looking through a bunch of profiles that are all 14 yr olds T.T no offense to them but not rlly interested in being friends with them lol. I guess I should start looking thru more blogs. I totally get what ur saying about liking to read other peoples thoughts I am the same way.

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yeah it's kind of touching (emotionally) to read other people's blogs but it's also addicting for me, maybe because i feel like i'm interacting with or contributing to something

thank you!!

by francis soundworks; ; Report