Well, just discovered this site and got it settled up with some cute motifs and stamps!!... it's not the most organized thing or the most coherent, i'm not really tech savvy and all and you don't even need to be tech savvy to edit these profiles so i feel more useless lol. Anyways my profile is cute, i think, i like that. I mean, I kind of wasted like 4 whole hours editing it and searching cute things away, 4 hours that i should have spent sleeping or doing something more productive, and while i was doing that, i wasn't eating and my soup went cold.

But still even if i feel like i did waste my time in some sort of way, i feel happy and content with the fact that i created this page and i am finally putting myself out there a little bit more, reaching out to people that might be similar to me, or people that are not similar at all... I wanna meet everybody!

So well, I'm really happy with this profile! even if it's time wasted, i think that it can have a different meaning if i wasted my time on something i enjoy and makes me happy, even if that's nothing about progress or doing other things-- it's confusing to say it in my words, but i guess it's okay that i wasted my time? I mean, that's what I kind of wanted to say, yea!

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francis's profile picture

i did the exact same thing for my profile... but it was worse, more like 5-6 hours

my evaluation: not a waste of time, but there are better uses of time so it feels like a waste. if you didn't finish it then, you'd have spent the same amount of time but later when it was more convenient or smthn

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that's true, right?? it's because it really feels like that, like it's not convenient, and I mean I knew it's not convenient but that habit is kinda hard to stop, I truly need to work on fixing my sleeping schedule or something... that's the guilty part, but tbh I agree, it's not really a waste of time but rather a bad time to be doing it, but it is productive in my eyes!

by Haru_min˚ʚ♡ɞ˚; ; Report


Haru_min˚ʚ♡ɞ˚'s profile picture

btw i am gonna eat my soup

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