GUESS WHO DOESN'T WANT TO GO HOMEEE???? im tryna to get one of my friends mom to take me but idk. She said she would help and the school social worker said he was telling cps but i know first hand that cps fucking sucks at helping people so i dont have high hopes for that. if she doesnt take me im probably going to just walk along the train tracks on my own and take pictures with my camera. lets hope i dont get murdered in the woods or maybe lets hope i do.
edit: my friend bailed on me so i cant go anywhere and now have to go home. i really hate this. im so tired. i wish someone would just help me. anyone please. i just wanna be free.
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damn karma thats wild i hope ur friends mom can take u in omg i remember last semester i was stuck at my dorm during break and i was so bored i literally took pictures of everything just to pass time lol i even took some nudes just for the hell of it also i wonder if taking pics along the train tracks is how u find inspiration for art or something idk but its lowkey kinda cool if thats what u do anyway just be safe okay i dont wanna hear shit went down on those tracks
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