Why is my body weak?
Why does my heart hurry?
Why do my legs ache?
Why are my eyes blurry?
Why does my throat sting?
Why do my arms burn?
Why am I so thin?
Why does it all hurt?
I don’t know
Why don’t you?
I don’t care
Why don’t you?
Do you like the way it feels?
That, I do
Do you still bare to feel it?
That, I don’t
I do not bare to want it
Nor do I yearn to have it
I’ve only come to like it
But for what reason?
For maybe it could better me
And make it all easier
Easing me of pain
And leading me to expire
What will hold you when you go?
What will sing you to sleep?
What will take it all away?
I don’t know
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