I have noticed some disgusting groups pop up on the group feed these past few days, and two of them are pro-Ana groups. For those who do not know, pro-Ana is short for pro-anorexia. Or it could cover all forms of disordered eating on both ends of the spectrum. EDTWT is short for "Eating Disorder Twitter", and that should speak for itself. These people are not support groups to help heal from disordered eating, they enable and encourage their peers to starve/binge/purge, etc. They give each other tips and lessons. These people are sick and dangerous to vulnerable people.
I am not going to comment on the weight or pictures, and neither should you. All comments about their weight and body will drive them deeper into their compulsive desire to gain or lose. It does not matter whether the comment is positive or negative. Positive comments about their weight loss can make them think "starving/purging is working, I must keep going!" and negative comments make them think they're not starving or purging enough. Pro-Ana people LOVE looking like skeletons. They LOVE getting those reactions out of people. It gives them a feeling of control and power.
I have struggled with disordered eating my whole life. I used to starve, and now I binge. I have an extremely unhealthy relationship with food, and seeing this kind of stuff on my feed makes it all worse. I do not wish to revert back to fasting for very long periods, and I certainly don't want to develop new bad habits. I am constantly trying to overcome my current ED.
Please report these groups. We should not allow this platform to be used to encourage self harm.
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pro ana is here already? the tumblr cycle keeps repeating everywhere its disgusting
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I noticed it too and it really concerns me. I guess what drives these ppl to go here is the fact that the big social medias have too smart ways of filtering such content. But if we work together and use the report function well, we should be able to stop this problematic behaviour.
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