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Category: Games

Portal 1: Delta Final mod progress

New crosshair colors + Thank You!!

I've already put up an article on the matter over on ModDB, but since i'm pushing here to be the most centralized place on updates, let me reiterate some facts about the crosshair.

The crosshair has been recolored, with one minor inconvenience. It lights up with both Portal colors even when the player can only fire one portal. This is because the crosshair is normally colored "in post" so to speak, and by overriding the file, we've removed that feature.

What I mean colored in post is that the crosshair starts off white. No color to it, it's likely that some line of code in Client.DLL (which I was so hoping it wasn't going to be in) controls how the colors work. 

I'm certain another mod has gotten over this trouble in the past and might download one to take a peak at how they did it, but for now the crosshair doesn't function exactly one to one with it's vanilla counterpart.

Next, I wanted to say Thank You.

185 visits in one day and 8 downloads to Subject Name Here's name. Thank you guys so much for giving that mappack a chance. I must admit that I grew dissatisfied with it during it's final days in development. So please don't let it spoil your "thirst" for Delta Final.

I'll try to have the mod out as soon as I can but i've hit a bit of a creator's block when it comes to test chamber concepts. As a result I might be lowering the chamber count back down to 24.

Regardless, thank you for following progress on Delta Final.

0 Kudos


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