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Category: Life

Getaway Car

This guy... this ferocious little Floridian... I never thought I would harbour positive feelings towards an American man but I surprise myself on a constant basis. We called for a few hours the other night (well, morning (?) for him I believe) and I was so nervous my heart was pounding. But he ended up saying that he really loved my voice, which I've always thought had a bit of an annoying tone but it was good to be appreciated in that way :) and I pretty much told him about the events (harrowing) of this year (which is a noted faux pas) but it was okay simply based on how INSANE everything has been recently.

I feel like it doesn't take a lot of effort to speak to him, I can just sort of be insane and do whatever I want and he'll find a way to respond, even if he's on his long drive to work or if there are literally two hurricanes happening in a row. We exchanged Spotifys and Pinterest and this really is not helping my case at all. Everything is just soooo enamouring it makes me feel insane.

It sounds awful but in a way I am glad for the distance, simply because I would be smothering him a terrible amount if he lived in my state, and I have so much to do for class!! The universe put this barrier in place as a way to tell me to lock in and simply be better. And trust me, I am listening.

I ordered a custom stationery set (which I designed myself) so that I can send some letters to him, because that is what I do best. I really am not the best texter, and technology can stress me out because of all these read receipts, activity statuses etc - I really prefer to go old school whenever I can. Maybe I need a messenger pigeon or something. 

It is a nice design, I have a monogram up the top and an antique deer print down the bottom - I also ordered some of these lace-looking envelopes that are fun to decorate. I want to design some postcards of pretty places around me so I can send those when I don't feel like writing a whole correspondence, I think something like that could be sweet. It made me feel a little insane when he said he'd hang up these prints in his dorm room... I felt so appreciated for the first time in ages.

Anyway, there is the update. How did I even get here?

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