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Category: Writing and Poetry


When I was maybe a junior in high school, maybe 16 or 17, I had lost the band polo shirt that was part of our casual uniform in our school. It was $25 to replace, and the school itself was expensive, so I knew I had to find it or else I'd be in trouble. Plus, I needed it anyway, it was part of my uniform and the band director was going to chew me out if I wasn't wearing it. I remember being on the floor, looking under the china cabinet in the kitchen to see if somehow maybe I had dropped it and kicked it under there at some point, because I genuinely had no idea where else it could be. I remember the dust and dirt that was under there being kicked up and getting all over me while I was desperately trying to find this shirt. 
My mother came into the kitchen to tell me we needed to leave or else I was going to be late for school, and I told her what was going on. 
And I remember her standing over me, looking resentful and infuriated.
And she said to me, 
"We should make you drop out of school and get a job so you can pay us back for all the money we've been wasting on you." 
She walked out of the kitchen and I cried. After a few minutes I stood up, dusted myself off, and we didn't speak a word to each other as she drove me to school.
We haven't spoken about that exchange since. She has brought up the idea of me draining resources from the family many, many times, but we have not spoken about that comment. 
And the worst part about it is, even if I did bring it up, I know she wouldn't remember. And not in that gaslighting way that people would think, but because she genuinely wouldn't remember. She forgets a lot of things. Names, birthdays, appointments, grocery items, you name it. If it's not written down somewhere, she forgets it. 
But I can't let it go. I've brought it up in therapy, and I know that's one of the events that heavily impacted my life and how I see myself. And while I tell myself that it was not my fault and that I did not deserve that treatment, I still cannot shake the feelings of that day. 

The feeling of being in the way. 
The feeling of weighing everyone down. 
The feeling of being a disappointment. 
The feeling of being a burden. 

5 Kudos


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Martin C.

Martin C.'s profile picture

I think you should bring it up with her.
Yes, she most likely won't remember or won't admit to remembering but It's something big that has stuck with you for many years.
You need to let it out instead of letting it eat you from the inside.

Even if she doesn't remember or doesn't admit to remembering, it least you let it out.
If she does remember, maybe you can get some closure.

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Magical Charli

Magical Charli's profile picture

Parents are responsible for their kids. They’re literally obligated. Why bring a child into the world if you want to make their life miserable? You’re not guilty, your mom is.

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Thank you. I'm trying to make peace with that myself. Because I know I didn't deserve that, no one does.

by Ada; ; Report

The BX Prodigy Zav Merk

The BX Prodigy Zav Merk's profile picture

Well you need to try and see yourself as better than that you're more than that you are what you believe law of attraction

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I'm in therapy to work on it.

by Ada; ; Report