I'm sorry but it does. I really like the first one and while I wasn't expecting the sequel to be just as good, I wasn't expect it to be this bad. The movie tries to do horror, comedy and romance and it fails in all of those aspects. The new characters didn't do much for me either. Except Cotton Weary, I liked his character.
I don't know, sometimes it felt like I was watching a movie Scream 1 satirized for its cliches.
I was then surprised to find out that most people like this movie? Maybe the next two are so terrible that this one ends up being good. I don't know, maybe I'll watch them one day.
Also one last thing, the soundtrack is so weak. Not nearly as memorable as the songs from the first movie.
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lesbian kirimi
REALLL this is what I've been saying!!! I guess u could excuse it as it Was only the second movie, they were prob trying to figure stuff out. but later down the line?? now that's just poor writing. 3 was like.. decent ig? better than 2 but not great. I actually rlly loved the concept and twist for 4 but even then it was starting to get a little old. everything after that was just beating the dead horse :/ kinda ironic actually
Yeah it's funny cause it's almost like they knew it wasn't as good as the first one and made that one scene where the students discuss that most movie sequels aren't good. Like come on, the satires were funny, natural and made sense. That just feels forced
by Vitorio; ; Report