Stupid shit

So imagine this, getting the opportunity to do something new at work, then telling your girlfriend about it and she says you can't. I messed up in the past so I get that she doesn't trust me anymore and I've been trying my fucking best to regain that trust, but she's said I can't shadow for a place at work and she won't let me do a part of the haunt that's more entertainment aka before you enter it. But then she's saying she's mad I got in the zone I'm in, that she wants me hidden in the shadows and out of sight. 

I don't even know what to do anymore because I love her but she doesn't let me do much when it comes to work, no interacting which I understand but also telling me shes mad at me for being where I am, and then saying she doesn't want me to shadow, I mean if I shadowed I'd have to be there early and interact with the people in the zone, but then she says she wants to. So I just don't know what to do or say anymore, I just follow what she says like a dog. I just want to be able to live too.

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MAMON!!'s profile picture

I hope you're feeling okay. I don't know you both fully, but I think that this may be "controlling". You should (must) stand up for yourself. If you still love her still, you should ask to have deep discussions about this with her. Things may not turn out well but this IS about you. Remember to stand on for yourself and care about yourself. You have life and rights to live.

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From what I've read from other blogs so far. Break up is the best option for you. This is manipulative. T_T
You do your best, but it's not about you. It's the surrounding that won't change, and it's her. Hope you've eaten enough and sleep fully. Love and support for you.

by MAMON!!; ; Report