So my birthday is coming up here on the 20th, and my close friend who i dont get to see much anymore because hes in college, said he would be visiting for the 19th-20th. i was excited because i hadent gotten to see him in very long and we usually have a sleepover with his girlfriend everytime he visits. (im not going to go to deep into detail but the relationship his girlfriend, him, and i have is something like a poly relationship, but im also somewhat monogamist and looking for a more monogamist, romantic reltionship. its confusing but i dunno how else to explain it really) So, knowing that, we are very very close, us three. i love them both dearly. so when i heard that i would get to spend my birthday with my three best friends in the whole wide world, i was so happy. i got a text today from his girlfriend in the groupchat, and to sum it up, it said something like "were gonna pick you up and you can choose what we go out to do and then youre getting dropped off for the day. oh and its gonna be on the 19th." and i wanted to cry so bad. i dont know if im just being sensitive or something, but this felt so hurtful. especially because he was visiting because it was MY birthday. and they arent even visiting on my birthday. please send some advice or something if you read through all my yapping

i need some advice :<
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Shack Man
I'm sorry to hear it hurt you like that! Why did they decide on that change of plans? (Assuming it was first agreed yall would actually hang on your birthday.) Maybe something legitimately came up they had to deal with? Though if not, I think you're within you're right to be like "hey I was really looking forward to the original plan, why does it have to change?"
there was no reason to the change of plans, i already asked. turns out the college friend is going to be home through the 17th-20th too, so its not like she just wants to have personal one on one time with him :[
by Madz; ; Report
Gas station
Aw man, that sounds like the best birthday ever.
>the relationship his girlfriend, him, and i have is something like a poly relationship, but im also somewhat monogamist and looking for a more monogamist, romantic reltionship.
I'm not really well equipped to talk about love (I use le heckin inkwell site about bald men with glasses and I've never been in a relationship) but if you have concerns about your relationships, you should speak up, talk about it with them.