I Fear the Frog, I Mourn the Frog Mother
By Me
Somewhere in the vast,
A woman lays on a birthing table.
7 medical professionals surround her.
The labor was difficult and slow,
taking many painful hours, but after the cicadas had quieted and the night owls found their voice,
a miracle had occurred.
Instead of a darling baby girl or a beautiful baby boy, came a frog. Members of the chamber screamed in fear, of both the woman and the offspring. The mother's cry rang out louder than the others though, that with a different pitch.
Panic grew quick like lightning throughout the room, sending sparks down spines and flashes of power.
Terror grows quickly in the hearts of the afraid, but so can distraction.
At first, the frog lie limp and motionless, a stillborn. However, to the dismay of the room, it gained life. New energy invigorated its limbs until the frog was hopping in short distances.
Hopping then turned to tricks. The initial tuck it preformed stunned the people into a momentary silence. Short lived it was, as it was quickly replaced by nervous laughter and a mother's scream, though the others paid her no mind.
As they gathered 'round, back to the frog, its enthusiasm picked up. Leaps and loops and spirals, all at the speed of light. Laughter now echoed freely as the show continued.
Across the room, the mother's cry became louder, pleading, but it was no use. The noise fell on deaf ears, the people were enthralled.
As the frog ricocheted off platforms and landed on tight spaces with such bravery, whooping and hollering started, clapping overtaking the other background sounds. Other guests from surrounding rooms came to investigate the commotion, and they too got lured in by the frogs prowess.
A crowd of fans formed, their eyes unable to be ripped from the spectacle before them. Joy filled air spun the taste of dandelions and sugar syrup in the mouths of the patrons.
It would be hours before someone remembered the blood on their clothes, and even longer before discovering the corpse in the back corner. A former mother, unattended in postpartum, bled out due to medical and societal negligence.
If she had screamed louder, would they have noticed? If her vocal chords burst, would they have remembered? I fear in the world of today, a special frog may still take hierarchy over a mother, over a woman.
I heard a few miles down, a woman gave birth to a rabbit. I wish her mercy, to not receive the same fate as the Frog Mother, or her baby frog, who was also carelessly killed, it upon capture, for being an oddity.
If i must be killed in favor of the fantastic, and the fantastic must be killed in favor of the traditional, I would rather not have been born at all.
To compete for a spot through the threshold of Heavens Gate, barred and bloodied in my most vulnerable state of new mother or newborn, I would rather face the eternal nothingness, than of a doctors office, or a spot at society's table.
My soul will be free.
yeah this is just something i wrote awhile ago, i never had anywhere to share it so i guess ill put it here! :P
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Profile picture: CUTE CAT AWWW!
Poem: uh, oh.. uh
yeah the poems kind of dark but i think it covers interesting topics ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
by MMmovieGirl; ; Report
by Abigblueworld; ; Report