Today's Reading 01/10/2024

01 Oct 2024

Today I'll be using my Contraband deck.

Classic American Cartomancy
The Spread
Jack of Clubs   Seven of Hearts   Seven of Hearts

Jack of Diamonds   Queen of Spades   Seven of Clubs
Jack of Clubs, Ten of Hearts, Seven of Hearts
Jack of Diamonds, Queen of Spades, Seven of Clubs

Jack of Clubs - Young gentle man of dark complexion
Study; instruction; application; meditation; reflection; labor; toil; work; occupation; apprentice; student; disciple; pupil; master

Jack of Diamonds - A soldier; a messenger
Strange; unaccustomed; unknown; unheard of; unusual; unwonted; surprising; admirable; marvelous; prodigious; miracle; episode; digression; anonymous

Ten of Hearts - Your native city or country; surprise
Consanguinity; blood; family; ancestors; father; mother; brother; sister; aunt; uncle; cousin, male or female; Adam and Eve; race; lineage; alliance; relationship; affinity; blood connection; love intrigues

Queen of Spades - A Widow; Distrust
Just suspicion; legitimate fear; merited doubts; conjectures; surmises based on fact; conscientious scruples; timidity; bashfulness; reluctance; retirement.

Seven of Hearts - Thought, imagination
The soul; spirit; intelligence; an idea; memory; imagination; conception; comprehension; extension of ideas; designs; intentions; desires; will; resolution; determination; premeditation; meditation; reflection; opinion; sentiment; philosopher; philosophy; wisdom

Seven of Clubs - Child; economy with small amounts of money
Association; an assembly; a gathering; family party; friendly intercourse; pleasant relations; harmless pastimes; domestic recreations; balls; concerts; theater

Not even going to bother with the images I think actually nvm

2 Kudos


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