wow!! the people on here are way too comfortable being ableist towards cluster b disorders huh. over the past few days ive seen "dni narcissists, dni sociopaths/psychopaths" and an entire page dedicated to "narcissistic abuse"
not sure if the quirky people here know how insanely ableist that all is; and no being autistic doesnt negate your hate speech. but wow!! i feel so insanely unwelcome here
and adding stuff like "yeah i know u cant control it but i dont like to be around toxic people" doesnt make you any better! in fact thats just as bad if not even worse! like do you even hear yourself speak! were you born from the trashcan of an abortion clinic?? cuz clearly
crazy that spacehey lets blogs like that stay up but will ban someone for even thinking about an nsfw joke. do better, educate yourself, get off tiktok ffs
(and yeah good parts of this are targeted. idc if it offends you, maybe dont spread hate speech cuz frankly IM offended as a cluster b person)

cluster b problems
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