Today was better than yesterday. I have new classes so i have to find a new time to ask my girlfriend to the dance but i'm nervous. My school doesn't do the normal asking to the dances and I didn't have much stuff to make a perfect poster, I feel kinda like a disappointment since tomorrow is mine and my girlfriend's 1 year and 11 months, our 2 year anniversary is Halloween. I really hope she likes the poster, she likes yungblud as his music helped her when she was in a bad spot, i based the poster off of the lyric, I love ya, will you marry me. From the song I love you, will you marry me? I just hope she likes the poster, and I wish my package would get here because it had presents for her. >:| But i'm really grateful for my girlfriend. c:
Please note his music really did help her and that's why I chose that specifically.
Anyways today was just yapping, I'm probably gonna ask her on Wednesday or on Thursday. I just need to get her poster done first.
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