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Category: Life

Raising My Hand in Social Settings

    One of the "quirky" things that I do (and has been pointed out, which is why I am writing about it and knowingly identify as quirky) is that I raise my hand in public settings if I'm looking to get someone's attention.

    For example, if my party wants to request the waiter bring us the check, I raise my hand like students do in a classroom when they want to ask a question. It's pretty effective outside of school and it does the job. I even do a short-handed hand raise when I'm more directly/closely asking for someone's attention (most recently being in a Disneyland attraction line when I asked a fellow park-goer whether the attraction I was in line for would give me motion sickness for someone who is susceptible). Thus, it is not wrong to conclude that people understand its meaning and the gist of it.

    Instead, I bring this topic up because my friends have made me aware of it for several years now. For some reason, they're embarrassed by the act. This has happened in multiple friend groups, on multiple outings. I surmise they view it as childish since it is a remnant of the classroom setting; although, I still see no reason to stop doing so if that is why. It's a universally understood gesture. A common theme/statement/comment that comes out of it is: "Why can't you be more normal?" or "Stop being weird !!" I will specify that they do not say this meanly, rather they say it in a joking, embarrassed-of-their-parent-doing-something-so-Parent-that-they're-getting-second-hand-embarrassment-from-it way -- maybe it's easier to say "cringe" in a you'd-only-do-this-in-middle-school-when-it-was-more-acceptable manner, sort of like dabbing (everyone remembers dabbing, right... ?).

    Seeing someone perform an act they would primarily see in a classroom in a setting outside of it -- I suppose the normie human mind cannot comprehend the adaptability and range of the neurodivergent babey... ! I just realized I never actually bothered to ask them why, for realsies, and I don't think they would know either; that is, I'm not even sure if they're consciously aware of why they feel embarrassed about me doing that until they think about it and say it... Oh, well...

    Regardless, I will continue to raise my hand at people and strangers alike if I need their attention to assist me in some way. Feel free to share your own individual, quirky way to ask for help from strangers if you'd like :-).

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