25 September 2024 (9:36 PM - 9:58 PM)
I went to Disneyland two days ago for the first time in 6 years -- the last time being for GradNite (is this an American thing? Or do other countries also do this sorta bit?). I got a free ticket with some family friends, so I hung out with them all day, but I think my best self would have been if I were alone.
I like hanging out with people a lot, but for specialized experiences like these, it tends to be a bit restraining to try to do what everyone wants (kind of like how I prefer/enjoy going to concerts alone). It was definitely fun, but I didn't experience the entirety of the parks (main and California Adventures) in the way I wanted to. I also walk really fast compared to others,, soooooooooooooooo
Interestingly, we spent a huge chunk of our time sitting and resting. It was quite hot from 12PM-5PM-ish, so it really drained everything I had. I am strongly susceptible to motion sickness, and I felt the effects of the first ride (Tower of Terror) throughout the entire day even though we rode it at like 9AM. All other attractions I rode had to be slower and less jagged.
We also did a lot of eating. I would say that that was probably the best part of going there this time around (also, It's a Small World was closed !!!). I barely eat that much, but the situation called for it (hot and exhausting to do anything --> revitalize with food and drinks).
I only wish it were cooler temperature-wise. I bet we would have walked around more... ooh also Halloween decorations were up so that was epic.
omg i'm also surprised by how many people there were even though it was a monday. kids, too. like, damn, people really make time for this despite work and school and other things that would keep them busy =w=... everyone's got their own lives...
I probably won't come back to Disneyland again for like,,,,,,,,,, 6 more years at least??? Maybe 1-3 years if my friends want to, but they've never planned/asked for it, so it is not likely... ! Fun place, not so fun prices -- thank goodness for the free ticket, because I would not have gone otherwise!!! This is rich people activity =3=
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