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Category: Blogging

how does one stop being insecure

how do people go like "oh just stop being insecure!" "just love your body!" "love yourself!" how. HOWWWW DO I DO IT! i cant love myself and my body when its so unloveable and ugly i wish i was a floating being and not a real breathing person i dont want to be perceived or looked at i cry when i look into the mirror i cry when im not in baggy clothes i cry when people look at me i cry and i want to die . i hate my body and how i am and telling me "stop being insecure" will not fix it! how does one start loving their body, when its impossible? how do i tell someone i cant love myself, because more than a minute of staring at my face makes me want to puke all my guts out? how does one love itself when its unloveable? people are just saying nooo ur not ugly because i mentioned it . ive always been the ugly best friend, the one to be asked out for a dare, the second one and i hate my whole being because of it . i wish i wasnt born because i wouldnt have to look at this disgusting body for even a second because i wouldnt be present . i simply wouldnt exist . id be gone . unloveable

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Izzy's profile picture

This probably won't help too much, but your body isn't necessarily meant to look beautiful, and your mind isn't to be expected to be 100% confident. As someone who nit-picked at my body for a while, and after going through therapy partially for that, I've realized that my body is a vessel for my brain, my thoughts, and my feelings, and it's my responsibility to take care of it.

I had to learn that, beauty is subjective, and a subjectively "pretty" appearance will not solve my problems. I had to learn that I should prioritize my mental and physical health before I look anywhere near my appearance. How to improve mental or physical health is up to you, but there are countless ways to go ahead and try it, and what may work for one person may not work for the other.

I'm not too well-versed in these things, as having issues I could take care of myself, but hope this helps. :-)

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