whacky goals, silly plans, and the hope of a single(jk)

hey there, I'm (R)yder. i think ive been on this platform for three days now. so im still relatively new to this. i didn't know what i should write about but I chose a category so here goes. 

so the majority of my goals are most definitely unobtainable, but heres a few that are/ would be hard to obtain. first i want to be a boxer, i want to join a gym and learn boxing of course I've self-taught basics to myself but i could always be better. id hope to do this before I'm 29 because after that it wouldn't fit into other things like wanting to start a business. 

ill just start with the business thing next, once I'm 30 i would like to start a business. i would like to sell pottery, plants, and ceramics items. i feel that i could build an amazing environment that people would like to buy items from. of course, I wouldn't be entirely profit driven so my store would keep prices low. although this is more of a unrealistic goal seeing as the worlds been going to shit for 40 - 50 years. and ill probably stick to pharmacy.

another and last goal because I don't want this hellishly long. i want to retire in the military. i know this simi conflicts with other goals but... i dont really care. i would like to do this seeing as there's plenty of benefits to it, and I'm not going to be in a extremely high risk job. infact i scored high enough on the asvab i could join any job i wanted. not trying to be cocky that's just what i was told.

as for plans. once I graduate high school I want to join the army. why? because I'm poor and I want to attend an actual university. and what does the army pay? college tuition/university tuition. ive looked at most options and this is the best i have available to me. unless i get a full ride scholarship from a good school.... in fact this won't happen cause all of my grades are ass. which i don't mind because I'm never stressed out with school. because i don't have an insane gpa i have to uphold. i have passed all of my high school classes, but i have failed a few i guess there basically ap classes but that doesn't really matter I'm ahead on credits any way.

once I join the military, I plan on doing the first four years. after those four years i will see if i want to continue if i want to i will be doing the 20 full years. there is no in-between. and beond thaat i don't have plans ill make em when i get there.

hopes? i guess i hope i get a girlfriend who wants to marry me so i can get extra military benefits lol.. jk

yeah thats all i have for this one, thankyou for your time and i hope you enjoy reading this.

best regards, r

1 Kudos


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Cardinal's profile picture

I was thinking about joining the military all throughout my senior year of high school but i opted for a community college that gave kids int he area free education for a year or two which worked out better for me. But i also know that military is perfect for alot of people infract, i have a lot of friends who went down that path and just finished boot camp for their respected branch.
this is all to say that goals are goals but dont let them limit your field of view, dont shut down opportunities for the goal of a military contract and just keep open minded.

Also if you know you are going to do well in the asvab, take advantage of it, do something that will challenge your mind, give you experience and open doors down the road that will make the option of college look even better and if that doesnt work out, still gives you skills that can be used in civilian application and a career post-military.

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yeah im in a similar program, I'm going to have an aa or close to it once I'm out of high school. and I already took the asvab and got an excellent score, that why it's my top option.

by deftonenjoye(r); ; Report

that’s perfect sounds like it’s going to be a really good deal for you, i love to see that and i hope the military becomes a really good path for you and your future career and stuff if you end up deciding it in the end

by Cardinal; ; Report