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Category: Life


i met a woman from the philippines yesterday i am not sure how the conversation started but she told me she had lost her husband about a year ago after being married for 53 years - she teared up as she spoke about him & told me how, after her husband’s death, her neighbor began courting her. she said she hated it as she would never take another husband or companion as she had made a promise to her husband. she spoke of him beautifully and in present tense, “my husband is a good man” she said. she went on to say that she misses him with her whole heart and she honestly wants to die because she feels alone in the world - however she says she is constantly reminded my her children and grandchildren that her presence is still very much needed so she holds on. she however feels as if no one understands her like her husband did not even her own children. in a strange way, i could not help but feel happy that she found someone like this in her life. to love someone so much so that in even through death you still feel tethered to them. she then asked me how old i was and then giggled and said to be patient and not to get married too early. i found it funny as she got married at my age but got to live a seemingly happy married life - but i trust her words. i could tell she was still on the verge of tears and for some reason, i asked if she was there when he died and she said that yes in fact she was right by his side - that night her husband prayed to their saint- she says she is unsure of what exactly he asked for but she suspects he asked for death - he asked for her hand and they fell asleep hand in hand and he whispered to her “i love you very much” and that night, he passed. i told her that’s all one can ask for- to be by your person’s side in their very last moments and that again, i was glad she was by his side during his passing. she nodded and she said you’re right. i wanted to give her a big hug but for some reason, i couldn’t bring myself to stop looking at her. as i was leaving her home, she tells me “if you are looking for your soulmate, just pray and they will come” - i usually dont opt for people’s religious advice but i dont know - what she told me felt so real and well-founded. i am just so excited for life as i see that love like this still exists and we all just have to be patient. i hope to see her again soon. 

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