Miiau ٩( > ᴗ < )۶'s profile picture

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Category: Life


i feel like i lack sympathy and empathy quite a bit these days. i feel a bit cslloused but not in an edgy way. a bit problematic but when i see people talking about cutting or their mental health like i dont care i dont give a give a flying fuck. my friend is always talking about calories like can you just shut up for once. this hatred doesnt just apply to them obviously its for me too so i lay awake at night wondering why im so fucking annoying. i dont want therapy or anything like it all good. i dont care about how cute it is that some girl got asked out today like plzzzzzzzzz shut up and waiter waiter one cut of mindless self indulgence please. oh did i forget to mention i went through the cutting the starving and the mental health crisis. when i see someone talking about anything of that nature it reminds me of myself and pisses me off thats why i dont want to listen to people yap and why i only vent online on my private twitter or this spacehey blog, because nobody cares.

but i dont lack empathy im not a sociopath i just lack a bit, where i feel like i should care more

0 Kudos


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