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Category: Parties and Nightlife

I'm ascending Maslow's pyramid and finally have the luxury of being able to focus on planning my first Halloween party

I recently made a blog about how idk what I'm doing with my life (in a good way), and it's holding up. A couple days ago at work, I kept feeling anxiety for seemingly no reason. You know how you might have something on your mind that is bothering you, but you gotta focus on what's on hand at the moment, partially distracting you, but once you're done you realize you had been feeling anxiety the whole time and you need to remind yourself the reason, so you can attach a reason to the emotion? I did that, except I could never remember what I felt anxiety about, because there was nothing. SURE, I could come up with something, like how my new glasses are a very different shape from what I'm used to, but the prescription is spot on. I'll get used to it. Maybe it's something as broad as a socio-political issue. I know that as voting time comes up, there are a few crucial things on my mind concerning the state I live in. But as for my personal life, there isn't really anything bothering me. It's strange, because there normally is.

The other day, between alarms, a crack of thunder woke me for good. It was stormy. But cleared up before I left for work. But that rain had washed away the warm weather, at least for the time being. That day and the next were cold. It FELT like Autumn. It felt like Halloween time! I love Halloween. It's like a religious holiday for me. Maybe I'll make a blog about my thoughts on Halloween. Later.

I've always wanted to host a Halloween party. My apartment is small, but that's okay, I can only think of two people to invite. My wife has a friend she'll invite. We might end up having a party of a total of 4 people. And that is plenty for our tiny apartment.

As for what we'll do, I'm still trying to figure that out. I know how to create the ambiance. I have a record player and some records that would be good for background Halloween music. I'm brainstorming spooky snacks. How to decorate - a lot of which will require taking unaesthetic messy things out of the livingroom-kitchen area and tossing them in our bedroom where no one will see them.

I'm thinking back on what people did for Halloween parties in the Victorian Era. My wife has a deck of tarot cards. I'm genuinely scared of ouija boards, so that's out of the question. But I do have a couple kokology tests. Those are the things like "Imagine you're at a circus. You see a clown walk by you and you realize the clown is someone you know. Who is it? Then you go buy a caramel apple and the seller tells you some words of advice. What does he tell you? ... Alright let's see what your answers reveal about you." Yeah, I have some of those that I think will be fun for a spooky spirity victorian halloween.

Something my brothers and I sometimes do, on the fly, is share videos on youtube on the TV via the queue thing. You know, connect your phone to the same wifi as the tv, and add a video to play next. I remember we did this one Christmas, with silly jokey christmas videos. I mentioned to my wife that I'd like to invite our guests to share a youtube playlist together in advance, and we all add some halloween or otherwise-spooky videos. Then at the party, we watch them all. Maybe on shuffle. She said that sounds like something my brothers and I would do. Well, I hope it's something our guests would like to do too, because that sounds really fun to me.

I especially like the idea of breaking any inhibitions in sharing videos we like. I might feel apprehension to share something because it's deep from my niche, or I'm afraid other people won't "get it". The Dictionary of Obscure sorrows calls this "Licotic. adj. Anxiously excited to introduce a friend to something you think is amazing, (like an album or a movie or a restaurant, etc) which prompt you to continually poll their face ... only to cringe when you discover all the work's flaws shining through." I get that all the time with sharing music at work. I work in a sign shop, there's a big bluetooth speaker that someone usually has their phone connected to with music playing. I don't know what others do to share music. Do they just shuffle a big playlist of liked songs on their spotify? Do they pick an extremely generic playlist of popular songs from the "70s 80s 90s and Now"? And why do they choose what they choose? Are they expecting a reaction from the rest of us? Or are they just trying to fill the silence? I want to share Parker music. I want to share albums or playlist that are Parker-certified banger after banger. ... I'm getting off topic. Halloween videos. I gotta get my one and half friends together and make us share and watch what we each consider to be "halloween" or "spooky" videos with eachother, then unabashedly watch them.

I feel like my stepmom (a person I can't relate to in any personal way, much unlike my brothers). Planning a party. A party for people to go to. Occupying my mental and off-occupation efforts into creating an extroverted experience for others. There I go, ascending a new level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

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