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Category: Life


this is the first time in a while I have felt so overwhelmed by things happening in my life not involving some gay shit bruh I've been wanting to cry all day its honestly so humiliating hehe okay no it is not but to some extent it is - but I think god or someone is putting me to the test or something because honestly its a week before school starts and my dad has me overseeing a huge project essentially by myself and having me handle the clients, workers, sales, materials, emails, and especially some fuck ass listings they made me put on facebook to sell all the shit that we are gonna throw away anyways this man wanted to take all the cabinets that mind you are like 200-250 a piece but my dad is selling them for $40 because we want to get rid of them and I needed to remove some wallpaper so I asked the man if he could take them and  he's like yes so I told him okay but he offered me $10 per piece and I said yes because there's  like 40 cabinets that I need to get rid of and we need to free up space to install the floor, but then I thought that was too little because this man expected us to take them all down a flight of stairs - I had some people working so I called my dad and my dad said no minimum $20 so I told him and he got so angry with me and asked me why did you say yes and that made me so angry and I had to look at him and say well my dad said no so no bru and he was obviously pissed so I had to basically tell him off but at the end he said he would buy 20 which I was like okay whatever just get out but then he stands there and looks at me and says don't you have people to help me like ???? this man came him to pick up something he wanted for a cheap ass price and expects us to do that and I did feel bad for him because he told me he physically couldn't carry them down so we helped him for 15 minutes with all the big cabinets and told him he had to take down all the small pieces like the doors and shelves because I was paying my workers to do other things I honestly felt so shit because I felt so mean but honestly it was so unfair but yeah that just made queasy and on top of that, I have this dude working for my dad asking me personal ass shit and specifically about my plans with child rearing and shit and I tell this man that I want to primarily adopt kids and I want kids of my own only if my husband wants to and this bro starts dogging on me because "ajeno" I don't know how to translate it but basically not yours - so kids from other people are never good and never compare to your own children and I tell this man that my most meaningful connections are from people not related to me and I apply that same logic there that kids are kids and I thought it would end there and bro starts asking me if I'm in love with anyone like bro what but anyways yeah THEN bro this morning as I was picking him up starts telling my mother about the kid talk we had and that I was crazy for wanting kids from other people I don't know but anyways music made this all better honestly and my nice hot bath and I'm going to the gym in a bit also my piercings came in and they were the perfect size which is awesome and a super awesome gift I got got delivered AND I saw corinthian columns outside the bank I haven't seen those in a while 

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