Helloo, first time I opened Spacehey in my new notebook and have to say that it feels a lot more natural to write on a computer. Maybe it is because this social media resembles a time in which only computers were avaible, but probably it is only because I am more used to writing on a computer.
Since we are (again) talking about the past, let´s talk about what happened in the last days: my high school friend group main "online group" (place in which all can write and all can read) became pretty active again, the most active it got since the end of high school. Not gonna lie, it is heartwarming to see it having a lot of new messages and conversations, even if it won´t be for a long time (but it´s now planned to do monthly updates, what I found pretty sweet).
Also, coincidentally, I talked about the past with my friend from another circle and a little about regrets involving social media. She regretted deleting her old account, since it had conversations that nowadays would be nostalgic. I " regretted" not being more online and mostly that there weren´t as many out school encounters and that they would certainly be full of memories (so, if you are reading this and still have the opportunity, use them). The reason behind the quotations marks is that I couldn´t be more time online, the possibility was only actually more available in weekends (and the memories are pretty sweet, each "online" mark on a friends profile was something that made the day better).
Now going back to the present, despite still feeling that I am annoying (why couldn´t I just have better social awareness? I never have an idea if I am overanalyzing everything again or if it is based on reality... Sorry if I was annoying guys, I swear it is not my intention :( ), it is going even better than I thought (I guess... Unless people are finding me annoying and I am unaware of it, and can´t ask because, ironically, asking too much would also be annoying), the thing that surprised me is that I am talking more than normally and more open in general, probably because no one there is talking their main language, which means everyone is a little insecure, which probably makes me feel that, let´s say, I am standing out less.
Today I also had a presentation in front of the class, which, despite not saying an extra information I wanted to express, according to others played out well (strange how things that are considered really scary feel more natural than normal things, like talking without being at least a little awkward). Also, yesterday 6 people chose me to represent the class, I found it pretty sweet and would never have expected it... Thanks a lot for the trust S2 I don´t think that I would be the best person for the position, but want to really thank he 6 voters. This paragraph might sound pretty much the opposite of what I was describing earlier and this is kind of idea, inadvertently I just °threw° in the blog the thoughts I have to make me calmer and feel like I am not annoying people as much as I feel. Still not calm lol.
Now let´s talk about something that will definitely make me calmer, I have significant homework for tomorrow and an university commitment in less than 30 minutes (and it still be going on until tomorrow wrote it in probably the most confusing way possible, I do this sometimes, what I meant was that it will start 23 pm and certainly go until more than midnight, just writing this is energy draining... Even though the physics lesson requires my brain more, it sounds so much better than this meeting... I know that I will start enjoying the lesson after starting it, and this definitely isn´t the case for the meeting ;-;).
Wow, wouldn´t be surprised if that is my biggest blog until now (and congrats for the patience if you read it until here). Summarizing it, my child self would never believe in my online and/or offline social lifes, why do so many people choose to remain in contact with me or start it? No idea, just know that I am so grateful to them, can´t even describe it in words... Basically, I love to keep contact with my older friends and am loving to create new great relationships, just thanks S2.
Music of now (this time actually listening to it while writing):
The Shroud of the Deep - Darkest Dungeon 2 extracted soundtrack
Just a kind of funny note: despite liking the old internet, I don´t believe I would do so well in it, even trying to make the music title be like the rest of the text made me afraid of accidently losing everything I wrote lol I am like a grandma in the internet :P.
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