Lifetime of schools

Today I had a dream in which I was a kid and in school again (6/7th grade) and now I am thinking about how it will be going to a school again... I remember that I felt bad at the beginning of high school because I didn't do well at the "diagnostic test" (a test to know how much the class knew), then I thought that I would be a dissapointment in class (the fact that another student had to correct it didn't help a lot, since now the teacher and one student would see how bad I was :P), but afterwards everything went right, academically and socially.

I will try to have this in mind to make me calmer if I don't know everything that maybe the others know (which is a big real possibility, since, despite always having great grades, I didn't go to the best high school). Also, omg, first time that I will live with people other than my family, it is kind of scary to be honest. My eating habits are restrictive, what if I unintentionally offend someone not wanting their food? Also, just the idea of living with people I don't know is uncomfortable, I have a lot of strong body insecurities and won't feel well using bermudas/not long sleeved t-shirts, will it look strange? I am also so afraid of making too much noise despite being quiet, how loud can my alarm be?

Probably a lot of the thing I am writing now will be unnecessary worries in a short time, or at least I hope lol Anyways, I hope that there will nice people there (and that I will be able to still have privacy :P). I also hope that I will be able to get a place in an university, I know it won't be easy, but that's a thing to write (and think) about later... Why can't I just jump to the time in which things are more certain? (And does this even exist?).

Music of now: Ib soundtrack.

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