How (Not) To Develop a Hit Web Series- Part 2

Most importantly, two or three or four things were notable-

A/1. Maybe learn how to speak to your hopeful VAs, as doing it while tired and half-interested tends to cause problems.

2/B. Maybe have a proper space to develop your shit, like in your room at home or a friend's place, and not like a cafe or community centre, where everybody can see that shit and judge you

Bronze/C/3- Do NOT leave certain jobs off to later times, for they will come back and bite you in the ass-or in other words, don't procrastinate too hard lest you end up making more work for yourself later on

and finally, Earth, Air, Water and Fire (4)- Try and figure out your plans ahead of the times you've scheduled. Don't just jam shit together and hope it works. Actually have a complete vision, instead of a half-assed maybe plan.

Oh, and 5/V- be prepared for when writers, artists and other people drop out of the project- when in doubt, go to either a Discord server for talent or make a CastingCallClub ad to get them auditioning.

That should be it. Maybe part 3 will come soon, probably not. If it does, it's about HOW TO actually develop a hit webseries.

When I actually begin doing so.

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