They liked the idea of you.
The object of everyone's affection.
The chocolate coated baby-candy-treat.
You free bleed into the kitchen sink.
The rain pours harder
but the music is set
at a low level grumble.
Take all the cosmetic surgery
to avoid aging like the mother
that never really wanted you.
This place of pop art serenity
and bubblegum opium...
You are certainly not the first or last to cry out.
The slow drip of color from the walls
and around your eyes.
Daddy would think you're a pussy.
Mom has her letter of resignation all filled out
and stamped.
The unwavering sobriety of "You're too much."
is the titular character in your mid level sitcom.
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'Mom has her letter of resignation all filled out and stamped.'
Fuck 🔪🩸
You continue to ascend. You're just on a level beyond.
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Help from my friends ️
by Kathleen; ; Report