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Category: Music

it is godamn hard to be introspective

my cousin is speding a few days at my house since wednesday (today is sunday) and its been a fucking nightmare. seriously. cause i just wanna be alone, and he doesnt get it. i mean, i spend the whole day alone. when i step into my room, i wanna be alone. i wanna study alone. i wanna listen to music alone. i wanna play guitar alone. i wanna watch guitar and bodybuilding content alone. i wanna be alone. but wherever i go, he comes after me. and he wants to do something all the fucking time. and its real hard to explain this to someone else, and it feels rude. but being around people (apart from my girl cousin, and maybe my brother) is just so exhausting. not necessarily doing something, but just existing in the same room as someone, gets me tired. i just wanna be alone, but i cant. not for a minute. if i go to study, i know exactly what hes gonna do. first, he will complain bc im studying (im sorry if your lazy ass does nothing but being on the phone all day and feels bad when seeing someone else being productive) and tell me to stop and rest a bit (as if this inst my way of resting), then he will ask to see the book and ask what its about (and idk why but i genuinly hate when ppl do this, except if i really like them) and then he will start yapping abt some shit i dont give a minimum fuck about, breaking all my concentration. like bitch, i aint reading a 12 year old written fanfic, i am studying plato. it needs concentration. can you please just leave me the fuck alone?

right now everyone is at my aunts house to eat barbecue, so im finally home alone after days. ig he will leave today, thank god. idk if i can take one more day of total lack of privacy. it phisically bothers me. i think i will listen to some music right now, or anything else. but alone.

1 Kudos


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